Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Getting Hooked

This happens with me all the time. I start getting interested in something. I get really really interested. Then, I get hooked. I get addicted. Then out of the blue, I start hating it. Atleast, I get really really disinterested. Then, all of a sudden, I start missing it. And I get back to it. This cycle continues....

This has happened with me a lot of times. Keyboard, Guitar, Cycling, Social Networking are just a few of them.

Importantly, this happens with my friends which is the problem here. When I get close to someone, I get real close. Then, all of a sudden, there is this void. Half the time, it happens because he/she gets caught up with something. And half of the time due to my own faults. After this happens, there is this gap which is so hard to fill for a few days. Then, the cycle continues.....


Ramani... said...

Very true... happens with me as well... I ll get addicted to many things and get bored soon...

Vidhyaa said...

guess we all go thru the cycle. nice post

Shloka Shankar said...

oh yeah, the social network thing is true :D you hated facebook in between... and i can relate to you when it comes to the friends part of it... all of it becomes mundane beyond a point!