Friday, November 2, 2007

An Incident in d Lyf of a Guitar Beginner

I started playing the guitar a year back. Well, I m still where I began. I know its gonna take me a long time to be as good as a................. BEGINNER!! Still I always loved this 6 stringed instrument. I would like to narrate an incident which happened where my guitar learning helped me.
My lab exam was happening the other day.  Experiments were allotted to us on the basis of lots.
I picked up a sheet which asked me to set the range for an instrument which would then measure level of liquid in it. It was such a CHEAP experiment. I wrote down the necessary things on the sheet provided for the write up.
When I decided that it was time for the experiment, I searched for a Screwdriver which was needed to rotate a screw which would adjust the reading on the Digital Display. I could not find one. I asked the concerned Lab Assistant for the same who could not find one for me. Time was running out. I tried using all the stuff from the tip of the scale to my room keys to turn the screw. Nothing worked.
Suddenly, I thought about taking out my ATM card from my wallet and using the tip of it to turn the screw. But inside the same slot as my ATM card was  Guiatr Pick! This was Perfect. I used that to turn the screw and oila! It replaced the screwdriver perfectly.

Guitar couldnt have been closer to METAL right??!!!

Now, to how the guitar pick came inside my wallet.

I didnt take my guitar home during the holidays which we got recently. I had kept that pick in my wallet just to show off that i played the guitar, if some guitar landed in my hands from somewhere


shreko said...

"Guitar couldnt have been closer to METAL right??!!!"----
Dude wat a one liner ...hehehe :P

jishnukann said...

Good one da...
You still a beginner....?
Come on..
I just can play that starting tune of When nothing else matters, n call myself a guitarist...

btw well written...
simple things viewed with a sense.
makes for a good read.

Cauvery Kesavasamy said...

hey, havent visited ur blog in a long time.. nice piece of writing.. :) and ur fren is rite- that one liner steals the show- "Guitar couldnt have been closer to METAL right??!!!" :)

Vidhyaa said...

U can more than use the guitar pick
So u r not just a beginner
Cheers! Someday ur blog will have more posts about the guitar and the pick ... keep playing