It was a long time back that yours truly wrote a NEGATIVE FLASHBACK of the college life. That was just a different point of view to the conventional one taken when someone looks back at one of his/her most memorable days. I have my nostalgic moments too. The last few days have been real tough.
The very thought of leaving this place makes me feel sad. Its almost similar to leaving your HOME. FOREVER.
"I'll always remember". A topic with a similar name was created by a friend of mine in our Orkut community.
I guess this is an ideal place to list all the things that I would never want to forget. Well, it sounds quite contradictory right?? I m telling that " I'll ALWAYS REMEMBER " and yet, I m writing it down here. I would like to let others know too about the wonderful times I had here.
Each day was a new experience. First and foremost, I ll always remember the day when I stepped into the campus. A million expectations from the campus. Though some of them ( read many :P ) were not fulfilled, so many others were.
The very first working day had a blooper. I stepped into a classroom where a lecture for the senior batch was supposed to take place. I d missed taking down the timings of class! The same day, the walk back to the hostel during the lunch break was made tough by the seniors ho watched each step and wanted us to greet them! At that time, it was quite difficult, but soon, e learnt to get over it.
The second thing I ll always rememebr is the RAGGING. Though very mild, I definitely enjoyed the sessions. Being made to dance, sing, act and what not!
The first train journey back home, the ragging sessions during that journey, the body building contest in the train. ( yours truly won that event for posing like a tr00 bodybuilder...lolz ). And of course, each trip back to college and the countdowns for each vacation. All of them seems to have gone past in a blur.
I ll always remember the good times in the hostel. It was amazing to spend time with all the guys. The kind of fun we had. There have been times when I was the butt of the joke, but then, there were other times when I had the chance to take revenge as well :D.
Its been a very amazing ride. I ve missed a lot of stuff which probably deserved a better mention here. I would love to make use of this post to thank all the people who were instrumental in giving me a memorable time in here. To all the people ho changed me from a shy, good for nothing guy to a loud mouth, good for nothing guy :D I m not going into a long list of Thank You and I dont want to miss amy particular person.
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